Mugs and Flowers

Our mug and flowers gift is always in high demand, as it is such a cute and easy token to give, but also keeps the budget down. We have a variety of mugs and patterns all made by Churchill China.

Seasonal Mugs


Select Variation:
Select Value:
Enter Quantity:
Card Message or Special Instructions: E.g. colour, size, etc.


Balloons£0.00Currently unavailable.
Chocolates £8.50 £14.95
Teddies £12.00
St Eval Candles
Candle-in-a-tin £13.45
Tea lights £9.35

Small Mug & Chocolates

Small Mug & Chocolates

Select Variation:
Select Value:
Enter Quantity:
Card Message or Special Instructions: E.g. colour, size, etc.


Balloons£0.00Currently unavailable.
Chocolates £8.50 £14.95
Teddies £12.00
St Eval Candles
Candle-in-a-tin £13.45
Tea lights £9.35